error-23's avatar
manuelo-pro's avatar
Yes, sorry about that. I found your work and inspired me to try something like that. I forgot to add your link to the description and contact you about it.
I created it myself in Maya, so its not an exact copy.

If you want me to remove it, I will. Though its not like I get to many views anyway. :(
error-23's avatar
Well, you added me as a contact, so it's strange that you forgot to add my link. But, don't worry, I'm not so bad. That's the internet after all, and honestly it's nice to know that I've inspired someone :) Just put a link in description maybe. Hope to see other works by you in future ;)
manuelo-pro's avatar
Sorry for everything. I have added your link underneath. 
Thanks for not getting angry with me. :)
leipearmeen's avatar
wtf you are right