WilhelmVonPrussia's avatar
I wish that I'd had this quote when I was younger. It probably would have helped me out at lot with the problems in my life back then. But ah well, I've figured this out on my own over time (quite recently actually, while I was on a trip overseas back in June), so all is still well. And I think it's more effective when you've discovered it for yourself and then witness it from someone else so that you can agree with them, rather than relying on someone else to show it to you for the first time : ) You learn from it better when you've experienced the truth behind it in your own way.
ErinBird's avatar
ah I feel the same quite often when I read quotes (: even though i'm still quite young, I think that if I had read some quotes earlier, it would've definitely helped me. But ah yes I see where you're coming from (: