LaPurr's avatar
Trapinski is one of the fractal formulae in Ultra Fractal. What one does with the formula determines what the fractal will look like; this one has a sort of industrial 3D look. There are many layers and masks and the coloring I used plays a big part as well.

As far as whether Trapinski is somhow related to Sierpinski, I really don't know, but the 'pinski' part sort of lends itself to that interpretation, doesn't it? :shrug:
samsende's avatar
yes, e xcept that uf from what i rember also works with traps and the like, which i've never really understood other than that they may be the same as inside or outside colourings. :)
LaPurr's avatar
It's a long story what UF does, but essentially it takes a fractal rendering program and combines it with what are basically Photoshop elements. This gives the layering and masking capabilities and gives the user an enormous amount of control over what is produced. It's very cool.
samsende's avatar
i used to use gimp for that, yes layering can give some great effects :)