Alianoira's avatar
HAHAHAHA, it's terribly true. My favorite line of his is when he tries to explain American history of the revolution! XD I've never heard of something so butchered in my entire life! BB is awesome. I need to remember that. Raven totally needs to ask him if he keep his brain on standby to keep it charged. She needs to say that. XD
4ScarfAce4's avatar
Teen Titans teachers could actually work, although Beast Boy would probably have to be the janitor.
Alianoira's avatar
Somehow I just don't see him as a janitor. Maybe class pet. XD LOLOL!!
4ScarfAce4's avatar
In fact, he'd probably end up as one of the students.
Alianoira's avatar
I don't doubt that at all. XD LOL!