zackaube's avatar
This is absolute nonsense.

You're deliberately switching the two around.
Unless you're claiming that wealthy people are wealthy as a direct result of theft. Which is asinine.
Phracker's avatar
Most wealthy people don't work.  They sit on their asses and collect dividends.  Yeah, there are people like Elon Musk who work really hard, but most of the old money elites are slackers who contribute nothing of value to society.  That's the point of this deviation.
He's saying that, ideally, socialism is about everyone working. Workers are given the benefits they deserve for being the backbone of the state and economy. Meanwhile, capitalism has the lucky few ride off the work of others. Some people get super rich because they were born into moderate to large wealth. Some people make money by screwing over others. In the end, many of the wealthiest in the world don't have to do hardly anything as they make tons of money off of the workers or their corporations. Or off of what is nearly slave labor (sometimes done by children) in under-developped countries. Every job has a worth, but certain jobs make far more than they are really worth and, by a result, others make far less than they should. Steve Jobs didn't work so much harder than the rest of the world in order to become uber-rich. He screwed over people, or just manuevered into a position with leverage in order to keep up his position at the top.
Whether you think Socialism is about taking money from the hard working to give to the lazy, or if it's about the government providing for the workers of the nation, Capitalism still produces people whose wealth and power were built on the backs of others.