PedroPortela's avatar
Nice dude, i will definitly keep an eye on this one, it has a BT feeling to it and gods know we need good BT games with the 2 last flops.
ZackF's avatar
I've actually played a crapton of MWO and enjoy it despite the plethora of technical issues it still has, but it's definitely a bummer that they made two multiplayer-only BT games in a row. My project is a single-player campaign first and foremost though (don't know if I'll ever even get around to a multiplayer component) so hopefully it'll scratch that itch. :)
PedroPortela's avatar
For a BT fan of 20 years like myself MWO has become an obscenity but moving on, yes i really hope you can make that itch go away, i have alot of faith in indies these days.