Music3Freak's avatar
Do you hate Lithuanians?
Razurichan's avatar
xD' Iiii... don't know what you're talking about
Music3Freak's avatar
I'm sorry that I asked this silly question ;D I mean, most Polish people hate Lithuanians and most Lithuanians hate Polish people. So, I'm asking if you're one of them o.o i'm just curious ;D
Razurichan's avatar
I've never heard of any Polish people hating Lithuanians, seriously xD' I think you might've gained some wrong information... In fact, many Polish people consider Lithuanians great friends, my, even in Hetalia manga (have you heard of it? :) ) Lithuania is considered Poland's best friend. And it's quite well reasoned- history-wise.
well, it's a little bit sad that you heard Lithuanians hate Polish people though xD'
Music3Freak's avatar
Umm... I think that you've gained wrong information. I mean, long time ago, in Lithuania Lithuanian language was considerated muzhik (poor people) language and Polish language was royale. Lots of Lithuanians stopt using their national language because they wanted to live a better life. And at that time earls and other people with power  from Poland had a lot more influence on Lithuania and Lithuanians itself. And the other fact is that on this year football match between Lithuania and Poland, Polish people  made a poster written on "Litwieshi chame, kleknij prazed polskim panem!".
I don't hate Polish people. I mean, most of my neighbours and my childhood friends are Polish and Russian. They're really nice and they don't hate Lithuanians. But I don't know how you didn't noticed discrimination between Polish and Lithuanians in your country.
I'm sorry about this v.v
Razurichan's avatar
well, I think all countries have their intolerant assholes, and there's no need to generalize any nation
"Polish people made a poster" - around 5 polish hooligans made a poster. And believe me, my fellow-citizens were just as disgusted by their deeds as you are.
Media likes to blow up that kind of actions though, which makes people mistrustful about other nations, which is sad. I wouldn't even like to acknowledge any form of discrimination between countries, because - what is it for?
maan this is why I don't like to watch telly
Music3Freak's avatar
I know, right? Some Lithuanians who are in their 30's hate people who came to our country from another. A lot of them are litterally beating and make fun of foreigners even thought they didn't do anything wrong!  That's disgusting.
Yeah, I agree with you! We're all people of the same kind. We should support each other, but some just wants to be superior than others and that's sad...
The only thing I don't watch in TV is news ;D lol