Comment on Lethargy by lhpandy

Naveese's avatar
I'd love to see a conspiracy theorist see this. They'd go nuts.

Anyways, this is really beautiful. I love it.
segura2112's avatar

I don't call them theorists, I call them freaks or nuts, either one fits.

Bottleshark's avatar
Just because it`s a pyramid with an eye doesn`t mean it`s "illuminati". This painting may have a psychedelic meaning, the third eye, look it up.
Naveese's avatar
I know. But I've seen so many hardcore C. theorists go batty over something like this. I personally find it close to what you described, but a lot of theorists wouldn't see it the same way. Especially if this guy was an extremely renown painter in the world.
lhpandy's avatar
Thanks for liking my art!!! Yup the eye in the upward pointing triangle with an eye is the all seeing eye and has been referenced for millenia by many differing religions, groups, and organisations, and is generally seen to be a masculine symbol. This is a downward pointing triangle in reference to the centre of the Kali Yantra, which is a symbol of the womb, a reference to female divinity and creation, the eye is the higher perception of the pineal region. 
 I hope this helps :)