nad2005's avatar
Yeah, too bad the Uzumaki clan ended like bitches. We never get to hear anything great about them even though they had a mysterious hype about them.
 Not that the Uchiha were any better, they ended like bitches too. We never got to see any of it, and we never got any explanation about it. 

 Sorry still mad about it...
zeth3047's avatar
I also felt a little hype from the senju lineage but at the end none of the stories was explores or made sense, finishing with the final boss
nad2005's avatar
Exactly. It felt like a lot of things happened because the author said so. It never felt organic, like a powerful clan would just disappear like that. Either the editors told him not to do anything real with it, or Kishimoto wanted to not make it more complicated than he had already did. The editors, or the company that owned the story would want to keep it a blank slate to keep making more manga or anime or movies to cover those blanks to cash in more money.
Understandably and I kinda agree but the manga never really had the time considering the deadlines as well as war. So it was either more self discover filler flashbacks or fights. take your pick. But Kayuga was hinted at during the origin of chakra story.