amextris's avatar
1)I like horror movies either way, whether it be because of a horde of zombies or just one villain.
2)I don't think many have 'truth to it'? They're all fairly exaggerated, from what I've seen. Possessions are more realistic because instead of computer generated effects and special tricks, you can have an actor be possessed and have a good chance of if being believable. Though recently, actors have been getting worse and actors have been getting better.
3)The story about the monster.
4)The psychological factor of it all, and why things are scary, is very interesting, but I don't want to sit and analyze a creature while I'm watching the movie. That takes away from the movie, and is better left for another occasion.
5)Even though I've been watching movies about aliens since I was like five, the first movie that scared me was the old version of The Blob when I was about nine. I could not unsee the people dissolving in pink goo and the fact that unless you had something to freeze it with, you were defenseless. The setting was really realistic too, since it started in the woods near a city.