Gary3-6-9's avatar
Well, you know- you just gotta practice a lot, watch tutorials and read art books!

And, if you're being rude in the internet you're risking to bring tones of hate on yourself.

Damn, try to type "gay" in a youtube comment, and you'll see what happens to your inbox! If there'll be anything left of it.
spiffycat's avatar
Huh, good to get advice for character blogging whenever I have the heart to do it.

I usually be rude whenever I am hungry, tired, constipated, bored, etc. So expect it from me from time to time.

That is why I use the word "ghey" for something that is bad, not "gay" as it actually means happy.
(I usually answer "gay" to those who question my emotions because I am happy)
Gary3-6-9's avatar
Well, that's the basic advice..:shrug:

Well, I'm angry when I'm tired or I hadn't have eaten meat at that day.. But I'm trying to suppress it and replace it with more constructive emotions.

Well, yeah, when I first saw the phrase "Gay birds were singing cheerfully" (or something like that), I was taken aback for a little while. It was a kids book.O_O