Jason-C's avatar
There's a bunch of good tuts for topmod out there, you should google it and find them if you haven't already.  Once you know the basic operations and how they work, you can play around and experiment to find your own technique.  It's like any artform, you gotta know the basics of guitar playing before you can rock out with an improv solo, and you gotta know the basics of english and grammar before you can attempt to write an interesting story.

A lot of 3D people on da hate me because I didn't tell them exactly what buttons to press, and I didn't link them personally to tuts, and they call me an egoist because i try to convey the philosophy behind what i do rather than just the mechanical process- thereby missing the point entirely.  There's tons of people on here who just copy tuts and techniques over and over and never transcend their reliance on others, because their artistic foundation is built on copying rather than true experimentation.  I think it's something people get infected by in the education system, they come to believe that there are right and wrong answers and it's the responsibility of the "teacher" to give them the correct answer that is presumably kept in a little book somewhere, and if someone doesn't give it to them they resent you.  Life ain't like that, you gotta strike out on your own.

So do some tuts, learn how to make the common basic topmod models you see everywhere, then start experimenting with all the options and settings.  Once you get an instinctive feel for the tools, ideas will occur to you, you'll try different things and see things nobody has ever thought of before.  Most people stop after doing a couple of tuts because they can't see how to get from those results to what I do, then they bitch and complain at me for withholding my techniques and complain that topmod is a shitty program or whatever because they are unimaginative fucks.  Don't fall into that trap. 

Furiion52's avatar
Hey man thanks for the tips! Sorry I haven't gotten around to replying been busy. I totally agree with you, just telling people what to do step by step voids the point of learning at all. I'll be trying my hand at TopMod over the next few days hopefully ;) I'll inform you if I fuck up completely haha xD Thanks again man!
KRYPT06's avatar
I agree with you;)

the creative process that is best