Boman100's avatar
Your car seems to be doing good job at that in thin air. Douchebag weirdo.
LightningMcQueen's avatar
how the hell am I the weirdo?! LMAO, 99% of the 30-year old MLP fans on this page want to hump ponies, and you're trying to tell me i'm a weirdo? try harder, autistic psycho.
I just printed out you opinion on "30-year old MLP fans" and whipped my ass with it, AAnnnd, if your going to be an asshole to people and make yourself more "manly-er" go change your fucking name and your avatar. Ka-chow!
LightningMcQueen's avatar
this account is super old, and i've never bothered changing it, nor do i plan to. then again, i'm not in the least worried about the opinion of a pony humper. you should be ashamed of yourself. frankly, your lack of shame and the fact you're sticking up for your fellow pervert/pedo/beastialist is alarming.
I figured you couldn't resist, and that proves a point that your an unskilled troll. ;)
LightningMcQueen's avatar
how am i a troll when im rightly pointing out 99% of overaged mlp fans are creepers
Relax my friend, remember it's just a nice drawing of Apple jack winking and that's it. If you "really REALLY" want to see and rant on creeps, go to 4chan. DeviantArt doesn't need conversations like these.
LightningMcQueen's avatar
i wasn't talking about the actual drawing, i was replying to some psycho comment. :u