Artistbanks's avatar
Lol I was just having a conversation with someone about oils and acrylics. I've not had a lot of experience with oils mainly because of lack of drying time. I love the layering and transparency of oils, but can't use them around my daughter since she is so young. I found a work around that can be used as a glazing medium and slows drying.  It is a retarder. I use it extensively, it aids in flow, and is great for underpainting. I can lay in my first layers quickly and smoothly with a mix of the retarder. It's worth a shot.
HumanArchitect's avatar
if you dont use any solvents; that is, if you only use oil and oil paint, it's every bit as safe as acrylics in every way. I'm not a doctor so I don't want to like, accidentally have missed something and do something unhealthy for your daughter, but I did a lot of research into it when I first started doing oil painting, as I have no ventilation in  my house.

Basically skin contact and consumption are the only thing you have to worry about, but no moreso than for acrylics. You can get a resin based drying medium as well, instead of linseed or walnut oil, so it dries in a day. If you do oil painting with purely oil, the stuff takes FOREVER to dry (with my thick painting style and walnut oil paints, about a month).
Artistbanks's avatar
Wow! That's impressive. Thank you for the information.