CdubbArt's avatar
You should TOTALLY direct your comments at DC. I was going to enter this contest too, so i know the whole bit about the last panel being... well, completely different, lol. but that aside, this guy is AMAZING. have you seen his gallery? he's legit. i'm just surprised cuz i thought he was already a published artist, lol. either way, cut this guy some slack. you're coming off a bit "rockandTROLL-ish".
metalhartrockandroll's avatar
Did you even read what I wrote? How is it even remotely "troll-ish?" Also, I didn't criticize the artwork at all. Of course it's amazing. 
CdubbArt's avatar
i did read what you wrote, and you were kinda coming down hard on the guy, as if you were trying to hold him responsible for something out of your own frustration (with out having all the facts yourself). I don't think you're "trying" to be a troll or that you are one. but that behavior on the internet (making direct critical comments without having full knowledge of the work you're critiquing), overall, you have to admit, is troll-ish. just look outside of yourself for a sec, re-read your whole conversation from the beginning of this thread, and maybe you'll see what I mean. no disrespect or snarky-ness intended.
metalhartrockandroll's avatar
No, you misunderstand what trolling is. To troll means to intentionally annoy or agitate someone for your own amusement, and if you think that is what I was doing you are a moron.

And saying that I didn't not have all the facts is pointless as well because I still don't have all the facts and I asked for more of them. Of course I don't have all the facts, there is no possible way to know everything that happened but if new information were to be presented I would change my views accordingly. As of yet, my searches and inquisitions have yet to yield any conclusive evidence to the contrary of what I originally believed. The artist has yet to respond as well (understandably, of course.)
CdubbArt's avatar
you can unintentionally troll someone too. you're still responsible for how your comments are taken. and honestly, your original comment to the artist was still initially aggressive and argumentative (another trait of trollers). and you had no real grounds to post your argumentative comment (especially since your reasoning could be based only on speculation and not facts, since you still don't have them all by your own admission).

and judging by the fact that you completed the contest entry yourself and did not win, i have no choice but to conclude that you had a personal stake in the overall judgement of the contest (obviously). therefore, there's an emotional element to your comment. there's a million other things you could have said to this artist. your choice was something argumentative and accusatory. why not congratulate or at least pose your statement in a more constructive or inquisitive manner (wherein you'd be more likely to get an answer to your intended question)? That's all I'm saying. You pointed the finger at the guy like he did something intentionally unsavory. you have no idea how one negative comment can affect another person's life or others view on that person. look how indignant you're feeling from me just insinuating that you've exhibited troll-like behavior. Just think a little bit more before you post comments, that's all. it's not cool to question someone's integrity unless you have or are given an accurate, fact-filled reason.
metalhartrockandroll's avatar
I don't know how to say this in a way that you won't consider "trollish" so I'll just say it how I think it:  You are either a moron or a young child. 
CdubbArt's avatar
thank you for that well-thought out, mature response. You are either a genius, or an old man.