MariStar1-KHR's avatar
Oh My Gosh!!~ *v* I LOVE your sketches!~:heart: :aww:
hannidrops's avatar
Thank you! (this is what I do between classes instead of doing my reading for class:iconheplz:)
MariStar1-KHR's avatar
Your welcome!~:heart: hahaha!xD(I also used to sketch sometimes in my classes when the lecture was boring) `3`;;
hannidrops's avatar
I hate my math class it's at 8 am and boring ;w;
I draw in that lecture;;
MariStar1-KHR's avatar
I know how it feels. It's not my favorite subject either. >.< ;
I also used to have my math class in the mornings. But, I always tried to endure it. `O` )/