Pinkedalink's avatar
I know right. xD I had so much real life stuff that I needed to clear up in that time.
Lol, that's not too long I suppose. Except it'd make watchers think that you had died. =P
c-o-c-r-a's avatar
haha me too! well mostly school and sleep! hehe losing sleep because of internet is something I regret! haha. o.o
I've now finished the school year and I hope to be on the internet less to keep my grades up because since I've cut down on internet I've gotten the best grades I have ever gotten hehe!

Haha of course, except I kept updating my journals hehe
Pinkedalink's avatar
Lol, yes. xD I really have to start getting my shit together. (pardon my French) The internet has done a number on my grades and time. Once it's the new school year, I'm going to be better. Going to set times and all that. Less internet. More family and friends. Less distractions. Yes. I will make it work.

Lol, no one ever really reads my journals that much anyway, so I mostly just use them to advertise giveaways, contests, raffles, etc.
c-o-c-r-a's avatar
me too! I started doing that halfway through the school year and it'd worked tremendously! I am going to do the same technique as the end of  this year and hopefully I'll get a great grade for going into my senior years! hehe.
I hardly spent any time with family at the start of this year and now I spend a much bigger amount then before which is good! I missed out on so much due to internet oh noes.

haha same with me but it's nice to keep people udated hehe! Just incase it's a new watcher or such hehe.

We should probably talk by notes now hehe I think we've commented enough on this persons post haha ^^;
Pinkedalink's avatar
I need to get good grades this semester. I just need to buckle down and work like mad. xD Hope you get good grades!
I've been so bad about that. I want to spend more time with my little sister, but I got her addicted to the internet too. D: And my grandparents will be staying with us for a few months, and this is my first time ever meeting them. ^^ And they speak only Spanish, so that is definitely something I need to work on.

I was just thinking that, haha. xD
c-o-c-r-a's avatar
We start the new school year in Febuary so it's good to have a fresh start hehe.
thankyou alot! I hope you do too x
oh my god, that'd be super hard to learn a new language so fast!

we can if you'd like hehe
Pinkedalink's avatar
Luckyyy! In America, we just have a Christmas break for a few weeks, then start back up sometime January. School doesn't end until June or something.

I know right. D: I really should've been paying attention in middle school when I had the chance to take the same Spanish course I am taking now. :[

Definitely! That was we can talk smack about peeps and no one will know. xD jk lol
c-o-c-r-a's avatar
Haha first day of the school year is In feb then we end in the late November early December hehe then have a six week Christmas holiday (:

Haha I would dislike learning a language after not paying attention in the first place haha!

Of course hehe
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