Hombremaledicto's avatar
Sorry, forget the previous comment.
I just checked your gallery and understood the problem:
the font size! ;P
Which is always a bit of a PITA for me, when i share a theme.

Fixing this is simple, and you have a lot of options to do so:

Rightclick on the desktop, select the menu: Themes → edit current.
This opens the file style.css of the theme, you need to edit this line:


You have:

font-size: 10pt;

you can decrase the size by 1pt to start:

font-size: 9pt;

Then save the file (any change to it its applied immediately) and see if the globalmenu appears in the panel.

OR willingly, you can force another font to be used, for example, at the line:

font-family: HelveticaNeue, Liberation Sans, Nimbus Sans, Arimo, Roboto; /* Chosen font & fallback alternatives */

you can put another font at the top of the list, for example:

font-family: Oxygen Sans, HelveticaNeue, Liberation Sans, Nimbus Sans, Arimo, Roboto; /* Chosen font & fallback alternatives */

Or another font family...

Another option again would be playing with padding/margin within the css for the gmenu, but that can be a bit more complicate in case you want a perfectly aligned gmenu.
kodenho's avatar
Sorry forgot to post the image.
Picture> i.imgur.com/3UtUSQk.png
The menu was small, I would use the font in 9pt however this does not appear the globalmenu, appears a black arrow only! Sera that do not have to increase the thickness of the bar? Taking advantage, as I edit the bottom bar, there are two icons in the center hidden (or is it anyway?) And some do not work when you click, would like to associate with other applications. Thank you again!