Serulfen's avatar
This is a good writing. :star:

I once heard a quote:

"Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behaiviour does."

It just couldn't have been said better. I, personally, don't believe in anything supernatural, but I still don't consider myself an atheist, neither an agnostic (because there are little details that make it different). BUT I don't mock people for having religions etc.

It's just when people start bashing others' human rights because of their beliefs, I feel angry. At the point where people start saying "hating gays and opposing abortion is a part of my religion!!!1", their words become really tasteless. Oh, treating a certaing group of people badly because of the way the were born is a part of your religion? Wow.

Being gay doesn't hurt anyone.

Discriminating and even killing people because of one's beliefs does.

Nothing wrong with Christianity itself, though. I even know openly and proudly gay Christians and completely straight Christians who think that sexual minorities should have the same rights as everyone else.

Christian =/= intolerant asshole

Christian = believes in Jesus and stuff

At it's best, religion can be a source of emotional power etc., and so on.

I accept if some people are uncomfortable with gays or abortion. But these people feeling uncomfy don't have to be gay or abort their fetuses themselves. But those who do, they should leave alone. The problem is when these people make LBGT people's lives more difficult by spreading homophobia and trying prohibit women's (or other people's who have a uterus) right to choose what to do with their own damn bodies.

Jeeze, this world would be a better place if people were tolerant and not trying to force their preferences and beliefs on, for example, on their own children (think about gay children who grow up in a homophobic family... some end up killing themselves.. That's why EVERYONE should be able to be educated about how diverse can sexuality be and how it's all okay. It goes against children's rights to teach some kids that they're bad and wrong, and to the other kids to bully this different kid.)

My only belief is that you can do whatever you want if it doesn't mean stepping on other people's toes. I think nothing gives anyone a right to take rights away from a certain group of people or to teach others to hate this group of people.