Comment on Sonic next-gen by manaita

CaramelLink's avatar
This game is so freaking awesome, and so is this pic, this game is what got me totally hooked on Sonic, and I love it, I don't give a crap about the stupid "graphics or glitches" and crap, I love it cause it's awesome! I hate so much what the Sonic fandom has become today. This is awesome keep up the good work. ;n;
ProtronRazoron's avatar
You know what it's not the fans that rushed sonic 06 it's sega and sonic team themselves it isn't the worst sonic game nor the worst game ever made but it left it as rushed,unfinished and a huge mess but i don't give a crap about that either and i agree about how much (but not all the way much) the sonic fanbase are just a impatiant butches.