thunderchi1d's avatar
Ah, my mistake on both counts. Upon closer inspection, I realised it was a T-bolt that I had mistaken for a Griffin. And I should have picked up on the triple-ppc beam fired by the other tank. I just remember facing off against a Lance of those Damned Alacorns back when I used to play regularly with friends.
GermanPete's avatar
They're able to cause a damn deal of destruction!
Ever had a double blind game with one of your scouts rounding a corner and facing one? Ka-triple-Blamm and gone were the legs...
thunderchi1d's avatar
Only had one double blind game. Mostly my mates just liked straight up brawls.
The one time we did have it, his hunchback and centurion stepped round a corner and found my Stormcrow Beta, and my Firemoth Prime run into an Atlas and Sunder.
The Firemoth would have had them too, if it weren't for a lucky PPC to the head.
GermanPete's avatar
Reminds me of the fastest kill in a match I ever witnessed:
First shot of the game, center torso crit resulting in one hit and the player thought it'd be the best place to store the Marauders AC/5 ammo...