ScootWHOOKOS's avatar
Ah the program. The program is called Macromedia Flash Professional 8. Or you could just say Flash 8 for short. Or Flash.

As for finding the program, there are 2 options.

1) You could get it from a friend who has it.

2) You'd have to buy it and it is NOT cheap unfortunately.

Not to answer your last question. No. You do not have to animate every single frame. If that were the case, I'd be still animating the prologue of Zelda UO. XD
Trigun1462's avatar
I thoght I was the only one whe actually liked orginazation 13 and not just cause thier cool cause they all have a deeper meaning to them
Knuxy64's avatar
Thank You!!!

oh, by the way.... i think your LoZ UO is amazing!!! keep it up!
Trigun1462's avatar
just do what I did get the program ant then download a flash keygen to give you the seral number and there you go.
Knuxy64's avatar