TheAtomicDog's avatar

I'm a late fan to the genre, but Super Sentai: DAMN that's some good shit!

MMPR are a *very* watered down and sanitized version, but they still serve as an effective gateway.

"The strongest warriors are on parade!"…

ibroussardart's avatar
Back in college me and a roommate got nostalgic for MMPR, and caught some of the stuff on TV at the time. To my surprise Tommy had come back to the show as a mentor. Then we started watching the Japanese sentai show as the time, Deka Rangers, and I really liked it. I haven't really watched more than that though I did was some episodes of Zyu Rangers.
TheAtomicDog's avatar

I'm working through the more-recent Sentai arcs with the aide of this diligent archivist:…