SomeRandomMinion's avatar
Princess Celestia: "I suppose it's true after all: good wins, because evil is dumb."
BrutalityInc's avatar
Twilight Sparkle: "More like self-destructive, but villain-stupidity does go with that."
SomeRandomMinion's avatar
Rainbow Dash: "So...what now? Do we just chunk their statues into the sun? And what about the rest of the Changelings?"

Rarity: "Equestria could always vassalize them...what? Can't a lady be interested in politics?"
MagicMan001's avatar
I wouldn't say vassalize. The Changelings are still a people with their own to self-determination and governance. I suppose the installment of a proEquestrian leadership would the more safer approach.
SomeRandomMinion's avatar
Rarity's just being Machiavellian. :)
Manual-Control's avatar
... I see you in EVERY SINGLE PICTURE I look at. I think we both have the same taste in artwork...
BrutalityInc's avatar
Really, huh? Well, that's interesting...
Manual-Control's avatar
Including that I think you started making me wanna make short stories in the comments. Thanks by the way.
BrutalityInc's avatar
To my experience, most DeviantARTists are generally fine with it, most of the time. So feel free to go wild.
SomeRandomMinion's avatar
[They both have a point... ;)]