Dudemon's avatar
Though it depends on the situation. Who do you want to be in the poster?
LightspeedPhoenix's avatar
I want Omnimon to be the leader with Taichi on his left shoulder(If I ever write a Digimon Avengers story the reason being that I want Taichi to be Omnimon's anchor to the modern day world. To be the guy who shows the knight around, showing how much the world has changed and still needs a knight in this world. Make sure Taichi wears his goggles and he wears that winter outfit he wore in 02.) how about Magnagarurumon to represent Iron Man... All because of his many many weapons! XD. The big powerhouse would have to be  a digimon that's very angry or at least bigger than The others. Zudomon can be Thor due him possessing a  hammer. well you could have Hawkmon or either of Digiarmor or normal Champion forms to represent Hawkeye, hence the hawk part. As for the female.... Either Angewomon or AncientFairymon would do nicely to bring in some toughness. For this team there are 7 Avengers plus a human, like in any Avenger team lineup, so I suggest to represent Xrosheart, a rookie with a big heart, and determination, Shoutmon. 
Dudemon's avatar
Hmmm... let me think about it.