Pink-Doodlr's avatar
How do you colour this? It looks like it's printed :iconiloveyouplz:
griffsnuff's avatar
LadyAnora's avatar
What kind of markers?
griffsnuff's avatar
LadyAnora's avatar
Jaha ja. Trenger man ikkje noen spesielle ark for de tusjene?
griffsnuff's avatar
jo xD men I dont care
LadyAnora's avatar
Haha så lenge de funker e det vell ikkje nokke problem xD
JiyuRakka's avatar
why u so talented . lol i love you (just not in that way). Your work is amazing and It shows that you put a lot of effort into your work. You dont steal others work or copy. You come up with your own ideas, and then express them in the best way possible: art! Im actually really jealous of your talent and I look up to you. And how can you draw with markers??? I certainly cannot XD!?!?!?! All your work is great and just your my favorite prettymuch :3!!!! just wanted you to know that!!!
griffsnuff's avatar
It is just practice and patience of learning from real life and not an other artist since that only ends in you making to similar things.
Pink-Doodlr's avatar