hamcon's avatar
But, Spiderman was part of the team at one point.
I think he kind of still is, though he works alone too.  Or maybe not, after that "Superior Spider Man" crap.

Basically, all the comics need a reboot.  And not the reboots that they tried, but basically "end all current comics and start all over, like if you were a new company".  Fans may cry fowl, bit comics as a whole would be a lot better for it in the long run.
iceblueflare's avatar
Didn't DC done that with New 52?
blacklantern2814's avatar
I think he means a Reboot with more thought put behind it than the average slash-fic.
iceblueflare's avatar
What do you mean with "slash fic"?
blacklantern2814's avatar
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but do you mean "What is a 'slash fic'?" or "Why are you calling the DCNU a slash fic?"

Well, a slash fic is basically when someone writes a fan-fiction pairing up two characters that have nothing to do with each other in canon, often ignoring, cherry-picking, or outright changing continuity and/or characterization to suit their needs. The result is often a disjointed mess, which is basically what DC has been doing on a large scale lately.
iceblueflare's avatar
I ment the latter. Thank you - and, honestly, I see your point