eduardovieira's avatar
Well, in fact you're just reinforcing my point of view, dude... If it's the hard work that makes people grow, and you are complaining you don't evolve fast because you're  lazy, that's my point XD. One can only grow, no matter how talented he is, through hard work (which is exactly the thing of wanting to better himself) :)
elperico13's avatar
Yes, i guess haha.
eduardovieira's avatar
Let's do a bet: Just drop this lazyness you complained about for a month. Nothing more than a month. Draw everyday, at least an hour or two for day (it's good enough to establish a good routine). Rest on sundays. Make sketches, studies, do whatever you want, but DON'T DROP IT OFF. Come back in a month and let me know what happened. Just a month! Nothing too long! Do we have a deal? :)
elperico13's avatar
Ill give it a shot haha it will definetly do me good
eduardovieira's avatar
yeah, for sure! Even the big guys do it, we shouldn't we do the same? :)
elperico13's avatar
Yeah definitely, there's always room to get better, and about your proposal about drawing I haven't really drawn every day because of school and time you know but I try,  but I appreciate your encouragement. :)