Tuonenkalla's avatar
It really confuses me how you're able to get your digital art to look so similar to your traditional art. Textures and colors and all that, so... similar in the feeling. Whenever I try digital... pfft, totally different and also very primitive. Despite you saying that you have no idea what you're doing while doing digital art, this looks very cool and professional. Like you would have done this already years.
Burdfeet's avatar
Many thanks dear Kalla, I'm extremely flattered!!!
Perhaps the similar feeling is due to the fact that I paint over a traditionally made sketch - some pencil still shows and so does the texture of the paper (I sometimes even give the sketch a slight watercolor wash before painting over it digitally, so I guess I'm 'cheating' a bit ;>) ..
I still very much enjoy your digital works by the way, even if they are a bit different from your traditional pieces :>.