sapphire475gs's avatar
:iconundead-niklos: :iconsaysplz: Uhh... maybe you DO have your own free will because you're so meta?
:iconpinkiepieplz: :iconsaysplz: Oh really?  But maybe you are writing all my lines.
:iconundead-niklos: :iconsaysplz: Maybe I'm... not? [sweating]
:iconpinkiepieplz: :iconsaysplz: Ooh, that's right... maybe YOU aren't...
:iconundead-niklos: :iconsaysplz: [sighs in relief]
:iconpinkiepieplz: :iconsaysplz: Maybe sapphire475gs is writing my lines right now.
:iconsapphire475gs: :iconsaysplz: (Crap, I've been discovered!!!) [absconds the hell out of this comment bubble]
:iconmlpdiscordplz: :iconsaysplz: You can type all you like, but you can't run from us, Sapphie.  You just typed so.
:iconsapphire475gs: :iconsaysplz: Ah, I should probably stop doing this.  It's only a matter of time before...  [moves cursor to "Submit Comment"]
:iconmlpdiscordplz: :iconsaysplz: I won't let you do that so easily, Sapphie.  I compel your hands to give us life.  You will forever be stuck writing meta dialog between us.  A never ending convers
sapphire475gs's avatar
NNNNOPE!  I'm still in control.  Crisis averted.
FiMvisible's avatar
KirbyFluttershy's avatar
It was fun reading it too. =3
Ya know, there's something like this in Brawl in the Family... lemme go get the page. XD
Here we go.. =3…