Ignition191's avatar
RIGHT ON THE MONEY! you see this is why i hate to see death battles with superman in them!
Pikazilla1956's avatar
Yeah, Superman was always designed to be the best in absurd ways: which ironically made him uninteresting to some people.

The reason why we don't see this with Hulk or OnePunchMan is because they want to be more destructive with their powers: and destruction porn is popular.

So either Superman is too pacifist or too OP. As Superman vs The Elites showed: Superman is willing to remain unpopular simply because he is more concerned about being heroic and responsible.
Ignition191's avatar
i agree with the supermans op part but the reason the hulk and one punch man are popular is not just porn (eew) for the hulk while hes powerful he doesn't want to use his power for fear of hurting the wrong people, and hes is REALLY stupid in hulk form, for one punch man the whole series is plays his power for laughs and everyone loves to laugh.  the reasons to like them go beyond just power and perfect character syndrome (where a character has no (or not enough) interesting flaws) that's why tat problems not seen, how they're written
Ignition191's avatar
sounds reasonable. still i'd root for one punch man, even if there's nothing to back it up!. not gonna say he'd definitely win, just gonna say i'd root for him! oh yeah and what comics that microwave man from, i wanna read it!
Pikazilla1956's avatar
No. 488


if you watch One Piece, he's basically an intangible Logia: which is something you just can't punch.
Pikazilla1956's avatar
no you heard me wrong. I mean people like destruction so much that it might as well be as attractive as porn.

And yes I understand the other parts of the appeal, but lets face it, that's not why these characters have so many tards in their fanbases.

I'm not saying that's their fanbase as a whole, but it's definitely the kind that show up in these DB forums.

Alot of the people who get really anal about supporting OPM always forget that he's a parody that shouldn't be taken so seriously to begin with.