fishbone76's avatar
Uh yeah you're right about Shep having the talk with Liara. Totally forgot there is a Sheppy in the story XD
ummm about the Sam-in-armor art... looks like you have to wait some time for that since I do the QGA arts in strict sequence =p And since I know you love waiting I'll take it slooooooow
Nooooooooooo!!!! Waiting is the worst! ART FASTER!!!! :shakefist:


(Don't mind me at all, I know art takes time! I shall patiently wait for you to get to Action!Sammy and try to keep the pestering to a minimum in the meantime :-) )
fishbone76's avatar
There're so many arts I want to do and only one me XD I really should order a few clones to help me out :lol: