nica911's avatar
so has this one been sold and cant wait for some more if this has one has already sold 
ChaosDrop's avatar
Not yet, though I mostly equate that to me assuming the post wouldn't be super popular and if someone was really interested in this one they would note me like I do to other artist.
nica911's avatar
im interested in this this is really awesome 
ChaosDrop's avatar
They are pretty awesome, or at least I think so. XD
This one is for sell as-is and than in the not-so-distant future another slightly different version will be for general sell.
The big things that will be different on the general ones will be surface finish, and they'll be slightly smaller due to mold shrinkage compared to the prototypes. They should be the same price though as I'm trying to keep overhead down as much as possible to keep things affordable for people.
nica911's avatar
and i agree with you XD and i like how you want to keep it to good price thats not too expensive but not too cheap