NerezaWorks's avatar
The first is saying something along the lines of "we will talk about it latter we need to get to (place) before the night fall" and continues with saying that "they need to get (item) from (place) and since you are there you help find it" 
the second is a introduction and asking who you are the third is "we are at (place) as for your question I cant quite answer the world has always been like this to me."
At lest that's a very vague idea my ruff translation is from from perfect but hopefully it get people to stop asking. this animator works in a french medium you should not expect them to translate there work let alone animate it again its a ridiculous notion.
Raya718's avatar
I was asking the person for an English translation, not animate it again 
Besides I SPEAK French, the words were a little jumbled to me and I was asking for what they had said in English!
You really need to not jump to conclusions "in English plz" could just mean an English translation in the description, and that is what I meant
you don't need to go off on someone before you understand what they're asking for or asking about.
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NerezaWorks's avatar
thanks for the reply I'm not sure what I was thinking responding in the first place I was pretty tired and found the comment a bit ignorant to the work.. Anyway it was not my intent to cause drama mealy to answer something I for some reason took as a question without much thought put into it.. it was pretty late and reading it over it was really out of place of me to make a comment in the fist place sorry for that.