AsiuhStar's avatar
This seems like a no brainer, but someone else is gonna have to die for it to happen.
SaitoGaika's avatar
I think it will be just for buying time there is no way it's gonna end that way
AsiuhStar's avatar
Hey, we said the same thing when we all believed Tobi couldn't possibly be Obito.
SaitoGaika's avatar
well I have always kept the possibility that Tobi is Obito in mind. you would even find it obvious if you both read the manga and watch the anime at the same time
AsiuhStar's avatar
I stopped watching the anime after the second filler arc because it got too tedious and then began watching after the Itachi/Sasuke fight again. Unfortunately I wasn't able to see it, so when he was revealed i flipped my shit.
AsiuhStar's avatar
Me and some college mates all screamed into a skype chat demanding explanation, and we weren't entirely satisfied with what we got so yea lol.
SaitoGaika's avatar
Obito's story was shown in the anime pretty late compared to the manga in the manga it was before the shippuden arc which mean just before Obito first appearance in the anime the story was shown later when the mangaka needed to make us remember who is Obito so he can use him again