Comment on Luna by skelly-jelly

Dragonstar78's avatar
Sailor Luna. That transformation is going to be stuck with me for the rest of my days =)
skelly-jelly's avatar
LOL! But she's so adorable!
Dragonstar78's avatar
have you seen the Youtube videos of the guy who redoes all of the Senshi henshin sequences using construction paper? He also has a music video called 'Sailor Amazing'. they're a total hoot, and actually really well done.
skelly-jelly's avatar
Yes! I think you actually sent me the link. I showed it to my sister rcently and we were dying. It's hysterical!
Dragonstar78's avatar
he's done henshin sequences for all of the senshi - inner, outer, starlights, Sailor Luna, and in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon style.
skelly-jelly's avatar
I'll have to check it out! I didn't know he did other stuff. That guy is hilarious.
Dragonstar78's avatar