akirajay38's avatar
Perhaps we should actually just start calling the War Doctor "The Warrior." It's not like it doesn't fit. There is some evidence to back it up, plus we know he wasn't called the Doctor in the Time War except by everybody, which would lead to some funny moments.
"I'm the Warrior."
"You will not escape Doctor!"
"I'm not the Doctor, stop calling me that."
Ah but your quote "I'm not the Doctor, stop calling me that!" indicates that, while he no longer considered himself to be the Doctor, others around him still did. Which suggests he was still acting in a manner which was recognisable as "The Doctor". Even if he didn't/doesn't/won't want to admit it.
anno78's avatar
The War Doctor actually declared himself to be the Doctor again just before he left in his TARDIS (watch the bit where they're all together at the end).  This officially makes John Hurt the Ninth Doctor.

The canon list should now read:
William Hartnell (1st Doctor)
Patrick Troughton  (2nd Doctor)
Jon Pertwee (3rd Doctor)
Tom Baker (4th Doctor)
Peter Davison (5th Doctor)
Colin Baker (6th Doctor)
Sylvester McCoy  (7th Doctor)
Paul McGann (8th Doctor)
John Hurt (9th Doctor) 
Christopher Eccleston  (10th Doctor)
David Tennant (11th Doctor)
David Tennant (12th Doctor) - human Meta-Crisis Doctor created by a regeneration.
Matt Smith (13th Doctor)
Peter Capaldi (14th Doctor)

The Meta-Crisis Doctor was created using discarded regeneration energy, which finished the process using the Doctor's severed hand.  The 11th Doctor confirmed this when he explained to Clara why he couldn't regenerate anymore.  He was in fact the 13th Doctor, having used up his twelve regenerations (this also means the Valeyard should've been created by now).

And don't forget, the 11th Doctor has also told Clara that he has lived other hidden lives.
PaulHanley's avatar
Totally.  I'm nitpicking, but it really is a missed opportunity that they didn't just give him a different title like the Warrior, Exile, Renegade, Colonel, etc, etc.  It would've reinforced how he was something different (at least in his own opinion of himself) and made it more of a big deal when he earned the title of the Doctor again from 11 & 10 (and yes... it would've neatly sidestepped the whole "messed up numbering" aspect, which I know some fans care about, though I couldn't give a hoot in Hell about it).  

It'd also be a subtle nod to the possibility that there might only be 12 (acknowledged) Doctors, but other incarnations of the same being who didn't call himself (or herself) that.  Whether or not people buy into "The Other", we know the Valeyard's still on the way... ;)