Comment on Ambition by DamaiMikaz

ViperCanel's avatar
That's a touching story. I wished I was there to massage your wrists whenever they ached (hoping it doesn't sound weirder than it does in my head). I felt like you are speaking very angry to me when I read the italic parts though :p You are right, there are people who take it much harder, but your feelings are not less important than theirs to me: Because contrary to popular belief, there is not an universal measure of emotions that show how each circumstance affects everyone at what degree. I am so happy for you that you are such a strong person and found the best way to live with your condition. I suggest you apply natural based massage creams which may help the pain.

I came from your recent post about what a godly artist you are that any fool who dares to come close will perish in ember flames. I have some stuff to write about that too but I will let it go for now as my post has already become very long. Are you mayhaps a Byronic hero (not bionic hero with pew pew lasers!) like me?: "The modern sense of a romantic character may be expressed in Byronic ideals of a gifted, perhaps misunderstood loner, creatively following the dictates of his inspiration rather than the standard ways of contemporary society." :D Now can I hug you and pet your hair? (^_^*)