abydos91's avatar
I used to be a pokemon fan, but I lost the track of it when I started to play in the PC... I remember that attack because it was featured in one of the pokemon animated series :3
RP-Hetalia-Ivan's avatar
You can never be too old for PKMN, and I'm STILL into it. Hell, I'm PROUD of liking it! It's a great series..
abydos91's avatar
I'm proud to still like it... but I don't know anything about the new pokemon generations. Some friends are playing it, but with the nintendo 3Ds that I don't have XD so for now I'll have to wait
RP-Hetalia-Ivan's avatar
Oh, you must mean Pokemon X and Pokemon Y! I have those... ^°^
abydos91's avatar
Indeed, those ones I was referring to
RP-Hetalia-Ivan's avatar
:,D When you get them, you won't regret it! They're both amazing!
abydos91's avatar
I doubt I will get them soon, but I have seen good reviews. 
RP-Hetalia-Ivan's avatar
Alright then.  :,3