ShadowInkWerebats's avatar
Depends what the trade would be i guess. For example, i dont do the whole adopt fpr an adopt thing ^^''
ScarecrowLullaby's avatar
I meant art or writing or something. ^^
ShadowInkWerebats's avatar
Ah i see. Well.. Writing im not really in to, but art i am. Depends what you can do though, i mean for exampl im not gonna trade it for a base edit or low quality stuff ><
ShadowInkWerebats's avatar
hmm.. Nah im afraid im gonna have to say no ^^'' its not my taste in style and im not sure if you could draw my characters ^^''
ScarecrowLullaby's avatar
That's okay, it was worth a shot. Thank you! <3
ShadowInkWerebats's avatar
no prob ^^ thanks for showing interest