Doberlady's avatar
I just think your stories, and the way you write them is something definitely worth sharing with others, as it has real potential, and as a recepient I do not want to miss out just because I have no FB ;) It is another reason to get myself an account there... I will always ready your excepts gladly, and provide honest feedback if you wish :). I do not have much time for DA, the real life and work, getting in the way of my drawing time... I do like my job, do not get me wrong, but I feel if I had more time to draw and less work related stress I could draw better... much better. Besides that all is fine. Thank you for asking. :aww:
Dramira-Official's avatar
Thanks. If you thought that about the crap I posted here that wasn't the real story, I feel comfortable saying that I think you will like the real thing. :) FB gets the real updates and interaction, people are just better to me and what I have to offer there but it's my official site when I figure things out since I got screwed over that will have the good stuff :) I love your drawings but I understand the desire to always improve. :heart:
Doberlady's avatar
I hope you will get your own site up and running soon. And do not forget to drop me a link :hug: