JasmineAlexandra's avatar
I can't....cause that is like ignoring a wound by just putting a "hello kitty" band-aid over it... you know it's still there... festering & pulsing with puss... it's red & irritated with a funny smell.... ignoring it & thinking it's not there will not make it go away...
merrypaws's avatar
That's a little over dramatic, don't you think?
Sorry if that sounds a little harsh, but I'm afraid your approach is only a setup for heartbreak. You can't avoid the canon, unless you want to just quit the entire fandom, so why get upset about it?

Yes, there was a time I screamed and threw things when my favorite couple didn't get together in whatever series I was into at the time. But over time I realized something: You get over it. And, if you can compartmentalize your own thinking enough to go: "Okay, this is what I wanted to happen, even though it didn't." then you can still enjoy the series.
JasmineAlexandra's avatar
well the drama is but an expression to the passion that I put into my art. Yes, it is a risk for heart break, but that is a small price to pay for the results...
I don't know... is there any sign? Any hope? Is hope a gun in Russian roulette?