thegrandarchitect's avatar
Really, you haven't played Dead Rising 2? Well the answer is...

faustdavenport's avatar  I have it, I just haven't played it...I put it in when I got it but got caught up with something else and haven't remembered to go back and give it a go...may just play that here in a moment actually....
thegrandarchitect's avatar
Yes, Chuck Greene is best. Hint, powerful combo is bowie+gloves which can both be found just after leaving the safehouse maitanance room. Incase you didn't know.
But I got another.
What do vegan zombies eat?
faustdavenport's avatar
good to know!  what DO vegan zombies eat?
thegrandarchitect's avatar
Haha! Gold right?
faustdavenport's avatar
..I seriously tried to figure that one out in my head and didn't even come stuff...:)
thegrandarchitect's avatar
Ha, don't thank me, thank Dead Rising 2. Say, would you ever think on making combo weapons like you make the perk-a-cola machines?
faustdavenport's avatar
I haven't attempted any weapons just yet, but it's always a possibility.....I've been pretty swamped with commissions, but as my time frees up i'll be putting some more thought into it... :)
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