Nova-MadArt's avatar
that actually depends on how much foreshortening you want. They serve different dramatic purposes. 

example: you've got the four "masses" of the arm--> hand, Forearm, bicep/tricep, shoulder. 
                     Normal foreshortening has things getting smaller as they move from the camera at a 1 to 2 ratio. That means that objects in the front would be getting smaller by half each unit of measurement back. So a hand is a certain size on a page to start, if you moved it back one step towards the vanishing point it would be half that size on paper, and then again and again the further you go back.

This looks natural.

Extreme perspective happens when you increase the ratio i.e. 1 to 3, or more.  

But don't worry much about drawing body parts in perspective. You gotta practice drawing 3D cubes, cylinders and rectangular solids in deep perspective b/c these are the base shapes you're working with.