crooelle's avatar
... :iconpardonplz: Well, by blank I mean there is less Welner for us to see in the app now :iconhnnghplz: paps that small part of his face above hngh

......... Oh no pls he will live :iconstaringplz: For the good too. Oh my god this boy I swear the stories I hear about him and the fact that you said 'villain'. :iconhnnghplz: It's a tragedy I am telling you-- //HNGH my feels!!!
youhanvr's avatar
LMAO, frankly that was his 6th year app images LOOOL so there's still some to see but retro-ed haha
what kind of stories have you been hearing??? ///ZOOMIN golly I'm just quoting a movie quote it has nothing to do with his fairly ordinary future :iconkenwtfplz:
////massages your heart/// don't worry my friend,.... everything is going to be okay....