IAmTheUnison's avatar
That would certainly solve a lot of the problems with this world. :)
experimentalDeity's avatar
And nobody would be able to take credit, since it was a complete and total accident! "they shouldn't have tested their faith that God would save them from falling into an active volcano!"
IAmTheUnison's avatar
Honestly going through life relying blindly on faith is gambling with your own welfare...and when you gamble you often lose.
experimentalDeity's avatar
I'd love to watch them stare at the True form of a certain Egyptian serpentine embodiment of Chaos. It's said that doing so will ... well, imagine standing next to a nuclear bomb just as it detonates in your face, and you'll get the picture.
IAmTheUnison's avatar
Hmm, reminds me of some of the stories Lovecraft wrote.
experimentalDeity's avatar
lol! But seriously, Apophis' true form would incinerate you just by being in its presence.
IAmTheUnison's avatar
I know. That's just like some of the creatures and gods that are talked about in the Lovecraft mythos. To lay eyes upon them will either cause you to die of fright, lose your mind, or be incinerated.
experimentalDeity's avatar
And that's why Apophis appears to be serpentine-that's ow are minds can process him! It's a defense mechanism that keeps us from being fried.