Azzzanadra's avatar
what if she belongs in EG world? and she somehow transported to equestria in her childhood?
derpy7778's avatar
According to what we can "understand" vaguely from the movies (they are scarce in info) there are still some cannon facts: she born in Equestria, so SHE BELONGS THERE. Still, there is a problem in here, which was discussed in many forums when the 2 movies was released...if all ponies have a "parallel" version in EG universe...and we saw Twilight in her "Professor" EG version as a teaser for the third movie at the end of the second...what happened to the original Sunset from EG universe? The quickest answer is, Equestria's Sunset killed her own persona when she like the paradox in "Mirai Nikki", just watch that damn good anime and you will understand when you see the true "past" of Yuno Gasai (most bronies that like anime put this example in fact as Sunset explanation for her being in the two universes as a "shared" character which was stated as impossible)
Azzzanadra's avatar
you don't use an anime to describe a kids show.
probably the other sunset shimmer went to equestria, or that sunset shimmer has no copies making her the only sunset shimmer in the universe.
derpy7778's avatar
"you don't use an anime to describe a kids show"

Wassup, another unhappy brony in his/her marshmallow world hating anime? MLP FIM owes a lot to the anime...they basically ripped all the cuteness, eyes, etc from I can compare them if i want to...

2 facts: EG versions CAN'T go through the portal (EG Pinkie just put her head in as a gag joke for her breaking the 4th wall power...), as the sirens stated in the beggining of the movie, there is ABSOLUTELY NO MAGIC in EG world. No magic, no travelling, even with Equestria Sunset powers it's a two-side ticket only for her and HER (latter Twilight and even the others could also but we are talking about the future and about Equestria beings!) About Sunset not having a copy, no, it was clearly stated ALL PONIES and some other creatures (like the diamond dogs) have their parallel version, NO EXCEPTIONS, this is one of the few things *very* specified in the movies, and probed to be correct when we finally see the Twilight EG missing version at the end of the second movie. So the "dark" theory about Sunset still stands (unless she keeps captive her EG version in some basement or abandoned warehouse Spiderman style but now she is "reformed" i highly doubt it...)
Azzzanadra's avatar
or she is in another country, or she lives in the city like human twilight, or she is hold captive by someone else.
if the show creators don't want to mention that AJ's parents could be dead how do you think that sunset can kill her counter part?
derpy7778's avatar
More facts directly from the movie:

All ponies counterparts live in the same city
If the "other" Sunset lives in the same city, Pinkie would already knew that, and noticed the "twins" (she was the ONLY ONE to remark she knows EG Twilight in the very FIRST movie)
Captive by any other else? Unless they will introduce full human standards in the EG "human" world, what are you suggesting? Some pedophile kidnapped her? And keeps her chained in a dirty and humid basement??? Are you accusing ME?? n.n

BTW, Lauren (which had the original idea about AJ's parents being dead) was also basically the whole architect about the idea of leaving traces and subtexts inside the show for more mature watchers, so you get 'em if you are not a 5 yrs old, even if those freaking movies was made without Lauren consent (she said she hate them in an interview, and she doesn't want that bastard Flash Sentry as Twi's mate)...why could not be non-implicit insinuated in the movies that Sunset had to murder her own parallel counterpart to keep on there unnoticed and under the radar? After all, some of the old writers which worked originally with Lauren in the first 2 seasons remains in the actual writing team...
Azzzanadra's avatar
sunset is redeemed, don't you think she will tell us?

also why the hate for flash?

also i get it stop ruining my fanfics.
derpy7778's avatar
"sunset is redeemed, don't you think she will tell us?"

She always blushed in the movie every time they remembered her she was evil she really redeemed and free of any sin, or is she still keeping any dark secret?
Anyways, you could be right, which lead us only to the theory some rapist on the loose in EG city got her in a basement or even worst (perhaps we should send the police trained dogs to search the forest outside the city which is the equivalent to Everfree forest in EG world...)
Or worse: Professor Twilight EG version confused her with her Equestria counterpart (she has machines to detect magic and paranormal activity as we saw at the end of the second movie) and kidnapped the wrong version for experimentation...that would be the easy exit for this dilemma with the other Sunset alive and finish the EG trilogy...but putting Twi as a mad scientist and kidnapper? An antagonist? For Hasbro I think that's a big no back by deduction to the rapist theory...

"also why the hate for flash?"

He is a jerk, most fanbase don't accept it (get used to it), any loyal fan to Lauren will accept her will of "I don't want him on the show and less as the special pony for Twilight". Also he looks like a TOTAL idiot in his colt version (in his EG version he was barely "acceptable")

"also i get it stop ruining my fanfics"

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