Comment on Brown dwarf by JustV23

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Themightyguardian's avatar
Well, you could have a single star brown dwarf planet.

If the planet was close enough to the brown dwarf, it would be fairly close to earth like conditions, including light. The only difference is that the sky would be red rather than blue.
FEN-OSHI's avatar
it would have to be a M type, but the dim red light only would last a couple million years.

or are you talking about a red dwarf?
a small red star that can sustain fusion for a very very long time (sometimes more than a trillion years).
Themightyguardian's avatar
Actually you're right. I meant red dwarf. A brown dwarf doesn't produce nearly enough heat or light, and the planet would have to be impossibly close.
FEN-OSHI's avatar
you'll never know, the universe is a strange place.