ninjawannabe87's avatar
they're not angry all the time.  the one on the shadow broker ship was calm and collected until Liara pissed him off.  the group on the salarian home world were pissed off because they were abducted, caged and experimented on by feeble looking frog people that looked at them like they were monsters, how happy would you be if you were in their situation.  the first contact they had could have easily been partially the council teams fault; especially if there were more Turians (imperialistic military) and salarians (shifty scientists) than Asari (diplomatic harlots, but at least diplomatic; probably didn't help them much) and the Yaug are natural experts on body language with their 8 eyes, making it almost impossible to lie to them.  it's likely no one outside the dead first contact team knows what really happened.  It bugs me sometimes when people judge big strong people as stupid and violent, or making characters as such.

It would be a cruel existence if they didn't have something to sink into there females.  I don't think they could do the biotic mind banging that Asari do.  they could have a package similarly working to what a lot of reptiles crocodiles have.  I'm not sure what it's calledbut hopefully you know what I'm talking about so I don't have to explain it, but I'm likely sounding weird already talking about animal "equipment".
ShaunsArtHouse's avatar
Well Karnach is definitely intellectual but he's a vicious and violent killer too. You definitely could be right about why the negotiations broke down. It would have been beeter for the senate to do some more research before sending down any ambassadors.
ninjawannabe87's avatar
it's possible they were unable to get any research, who knows what those 8 eyes are capable of seeing.
ShaunsArtHouse's avatar
True true. I wouldn't mind having eight eyes...
ninjawannabe87's avatar
same here, unless I'm able to see thoughts or the depths of someone's soul without wanting to then I would want to gouge out 6 of them.  if they had a type of see-thru vision, that would be fun.  unless that's uncontrollable, then it would be the time gouge out all eyes then eat fired shotgun rounds.