Obsidiron's avatar
I always wonder if those lines are his pupils looking off to the side, or just a reflection. Both bring about an "I'm screwed" feeling, nonetheless.
Comickpro's avatar
The lines are reflections on his eyes, but in the one "real-ish" drawing I made of him, they almost look like deep pitted scars in his pupils haha
Obsidiron's avatar
Hmm. On another note, you seem to like things related to bad things, and one form of which is something called a "creepypasta", otherwise known as a short horror story that usually does not end well. Like most stories on the interwebs, some are good, some are not. If you like 'em, look up "Trichotillomania". Marginally better then the run-of-the-mill "Blood and possession" shtick found there, which are actually WORTHY of a Yelp review.
Comickpro's avatar
yeah ive seen some creepy pastas (courtesy of links given to me haha) and nothing so far has been very good, bleh. but if you think its worth looking at pass me a link :)
Comickpro's avatar
meh...i still wasnt creeped out. haha but that game looks pretty damn fun!!
Obsidiron's avatar
Eh, somethin' about unlocking hidden powers your ancestors learned and using them in modern times. Never did like games with stealth. Look a man in the eyes when ya kill 'em, I always say.